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A Basket By The Door

Sophie Hansen


Nothing says 'I love you, I've got you and I'm here' better than a parcel of food you've taken the time to make, wrap and deliver. So, season by season, here are 130 recipes to cook for loved ones who might be moving house, busy with a newborn, celebrating a milestone, recovering after illness, grieving, or just in need of a little love and appreciation

A Basket by the Door is friendship, connection and heartfelt country hospitality made edible. There are recipes here for sharing and giving on every occasion: an easy bundle of fresh dips and lavosh biscuits to take along to drinks, portable breakfast to surprise a friend, a sturdy picnic cake and sandwiches in a basket for lunch (even in the office), comforting ragu and chocolate mousse to enjoy while wallowing on the sofa, and ideas to take when invited for dinner or a weekend away

Bake a chicken pie to cheer up a neighbour, invite friends over to make Christmas biscuits; fill jam jars with bright smoothies to bolster a new mother - the ways to connect and show you care with food are endless

Sophie Hansen

Murdoch Books, April 2019 

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